Your impact

Your feedback is crucial to making sure our decisions are the right ones. We really do listen - read about some recent issues we consulted on and how you influenced the outcome.

We asked

We asked for views on 6 proposed traffic calming measures along Arlen Road, Smallville. The measures aimed to reduce vehicle speeds, reduce ‘rat-running’ and improve pedestrian safety. The consultation ran from 17 August to 16 September 2022.

You said

We received 148 responses to the consultation.
Respondents to the online survey were asked whether they supported or opposed the 6 traffic calming proposals:

  • two raised tables on Arlen Road: 76% supported, 20% opposed
  • adding extra speed cameras: 65% supported, 31% opposed
  • introducing 20mph speed limits: 53% supported, 22% opposed
  • use of street print coloured textured surfacing: 67% supported, 11% opposed
  • introducing a pedestrian only zone: 60% supported, 11% opposed
  • double yellow lines on London Road: 78% supported, 10% opposed

We did

There have been no significant changes to the proposed designs for zones 2, 3 and 4.
We have heard views on future phases of traffic calming, particularly in zones 1 and 5 where you enter Smallville. Where possible, we will try to introduce some of these measures earlier than planned.

The project team will:

  • complete a detailed design for the scheme, following public feedback
  • proceed with the construction of the Smallville traffic calming scheme

We asked

In 2020, an area of on-street parking was suspended on Smallville High Street to enable social distancing and queuing.
We asked if we should permanently remove the former areas of on-street parking that were suspended on the High Street in 2020 and widen the footway in these areas. The consultation ran between 16 May and 10 June 2022.

You said

We received 429 responses to the consultation.
There was a mixed response to the proposals consulted on. There was support for the aims and principles of the project, with 55.5% of respondents expressing positive sentiments towards this, compared to 29.6% expressing negative sentiments.
Concerns were particularly highlighted in relation to:

  • Parking compliance issues with respondents concerned that vehicles may park on the widened footways.
  • Impact on businesses with the removal of on-street parking provision.

We did

The statutory consultation was carried out on the proposed Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) changes between 11 August 2023 and 2 September 2023.
We will be revising our plans to ensure they better suit the needs of people who work in, live in, and travel through the area.

We asked

The scheme aims to improve Eastville Road by reducing traffic congestion through junctions and improve facilities for pedestrians and cyclists. Our proposals are to:

  • improve signalling at junctions
  • filter commuters through other routes
  • create an integrated bus/cycle lane while reducing general traffic lanes.

You said

Respondents had some concerns about rat-running in the diversion routes proposed, as well as concerns that provision for cyclists doesn’t go far enough.

We did

These comments have been incorporated in revisions to the scheme; making further improvements to help to alleviate the problems raised.